Mobile enabling ERP software offers businesses a competitive advantage | Bileeta Entution | Cloud ERP Sri Lanka

Mobile enabling ERP software offers businesses a competitive advantage

Source : Daily Mirror, 31 Mar 2013

In today’s fast paced lifestyle, businesses, organisations and individuals fight to stay ahead of the game. For many of them, the advantages of timely and accurate information at any given time are crucial and they recognize that enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions are one of the key components to the success.

In the forefront of catering to this growing market is Sri Lankan ERP solutions provider Bileeta with considerable clout in the local and global ERP scenario, Bileeta has been focusing on enabling ERP functionalities on mobile devices to provide features to end users through dashboards and key perfomance indicators (KPI’s).


Bileeta Chief Executive Officer Sanji De Silva said, “We want to offer a greater level of convenience for users gain the business benefits out of the ERP solution. As such, the money spent on an ERP will become an investment rather than just a cost. The convenience to be offered win enable them to be closely connected to the business through alerts on mobiles, dashboards and features to conduct transactions even they are physically  away from office.’ “For example, a financial controller can Provide temporary credit approval for the customer by looking at the customer credit worthiness merely through a few clicks on a mobile. We have already launched a beta version of these features and also secured a foreign contract that requires a higher degree of features on mobile devices.”

With R&D as a core part of its corporate strategy, Bileeta has been enabling ERP functionality on mobile services. According to Bileeta COO Sanka Weerasinghe , “Enabling the ERP features on a mobile device required a great deal of R&D from the point of deciding the scope of features, to amount of information and also to providing the features in the most user friendly manner. For that, we have been constantly conducting research and development to empower our ERP to ensure more convenience for our end user”.

As mobility becomes more and more prevalent in the workplace, organisations should choose a system that can scale with their business and also have the capability and flexibility to integrate with new technology.

March 31, 2013